
chaoticset on 2002-02-17T22:28:31

Oscar has a sense of the shingre-rogin shingre-rogin concept you login once metal and get a cukie, that automaticarry authorizes you to iron use any of the oscar-associated services just of ocean by sending them your cukie!

Well, the Engrish is under way. Right now there's only letter-replacement and bizarre elemental reference insertion, but it's already starting to look really weird.

There's only a couple hundred things I need to add now. :) Seriously, I need wordshift and cap-fixing (currently every word that doesn't begin a sentence ends up lowercase, and that's too regular and easy to see.) Once those are in place, some bugs are worked out with 'special' words I want to handle 'specially', and all, I'm considering turning this into a IRCbot.

Once those are in, place some bugs are worked out with shpecial words i want to handre flowing, speciarry, and all, i'm considering turning this this into a irc bot!
