Interface Dreams

chaoticset on 2006-01-24T15:54:20

My current plan for MaLToL centers around a DB; the other components are intended to be a Java API, a Perl API, a Mason-based web gui, a Perl/Tk gui, and a Java gui.

Things are progressing reasonably. The API is OO, and currently has a single handler object keeps a list of the task objects (which are their own separate module that's not subclassed to the handler module). I'm prototyping the db in OOO's Base, because...well, because I'm lazy and I know Access. I'm taking a Java course and plan to start writing the basic parts of the Java API soon.

The only thing I haven't gotten any specific plans about yet is the web interface. I'm hoping to use Mason, but there's just nothing in my mind for what it should look like yet. Maybe I should kick some swatches around and see what I dream up.