Progress, Defined Loosely As Immobility

chaoticset on 2006-01-10T03:30:36

I haven't been doing a lot of work with MaLToL for a few reasons -- not the least of which has been a NYE party, about three different Giftmases to attend, and being vaguely dissatisfied with relationship issues. Nope. Probably the biggest factor of them all has been my job at L. L. Bean, because the four weeks of December were absolutely insane. Not only wall-to-wall calls, but constant wall-to-wall calls, and the facility was open until 3 some nights (or so I'm told). I managed to pick up a little extra time here and there, and my grades for the semester were A-, B+, and C -- all in all, the best semester I've ever had while holding down a nearly full-time job. Amazing, IMHO.

The issues are...well, they're resolving themselves over time. The Giftmases are all over (ooh, and I got retractable headphones and Serenity, oooh oooh oooh!) and the NYE party is as over as they get (which means we still have some cheese spreads and Hard Mike bottles in the fridge, but that's pretty much all), and of course December's over and gone -- so development has started again on MaLToL.

I think I made a mistake in some inheritance choices, but I've fixed that. The next mistake I hope I fixed (in the sense that I am not entirely sure it was a mistake yet) is that I was trying to create a method for an object that turned it into a different object; I'm thinking the smart move would be to create a method for a class that takes an object as an argument, then copies that object to the new object in the correct new class, then destroys the old object altogether. (Or, possibly, leaves the old object in existence. I'm debating about this, but haven't decided yet how it should be handled.)

I wrote in a comment elsewhere that I am resolving to have less monkey mind this year. Part of that is ignoring the nagging doubts that I keep having about discussing this in this journal or with other people. I can't get better at this in a complete vacuum, and I'm really, really bad at acting as though I've got multiple personality disorder. :\