Buzz Buzz Buzz

chaoticset on 2002-02-12T18:49:19

A quick formula.

(AMP) + (coffee) + (svchips) = MORNING!
svchips is shorthand for salt and vinegar. I love salt and vinegar chips; when you put one in your mouth, it's like it's trying to cut you with a straight razor. :)

I was very pleased to see that I got the data stuff working last night. This means I can attempt to work on my Stupid AI Tricks today along with the take-home math exam I have to do.

I spent all morning fretting over an assignment that I thought was due; it got handed out after class. Sigh.

Quick Addendum: Couldn't figure out why I wasn't getting any code written; of course, I had forgotten to crank some tunes up. I'm going through some of the songs on the X-Files album (not the movie soundtrack).
Further Quick Addendum: I wonder how hard it would be to build a translator bot for IRC? Something that would catch anything stated in a non-(fill in default language here) language and translate to the default?