
chaoticset on 2005-12-14T19:25:57

I have more interesting classes written and some ideas kicking around for what to do with the resulting framework.

In discussing it with my mentor at school and a few other folks, I've heard suggestions that the framework and the application I'm building from it might actually serve as the useful core of my portfolio -- or, gasp, possibly a useful item for other people.

Whether that last magical possibility can come true remains to be seen. The work I'm doing on MaLToL right now is so scattershot (because my work schedule is currently 40+ hours a week and my presentations are happening this week) that I don't feel comfortable evaluating it in such a fashion. Next week will be more relaxed -- or at least involve less driving. :\

Still, it's good to know that I still understand Perl. I'd been worried, with the long time I'd had away from code, that I had somehow forgotten. It's like Splinter Cell -- I haven't played it in years, and the contrast between it and another game (say, Fable) is jarring -- but the old motion was so smooth and practiced that I fall into the groove readily.

Indeed, the groove of Perl is possessed of great funk. :D