Yes, Yes, Very Nice, Now Get To Work

chaoticset on 2005-11-15T22:42:32

I spent a truckload of time away from Perl, essentially, after my layoff in March. Which, frankly, was fine.

I wasn't earning anything through Perl and I was having trouble learning anything about it. Which, considering my social issues, my anxiety problem, and my ADD, wasn't terribly surprising.

As far as the ADD goes...well, I'm coming to the end of my second-to-last semester at school. In May, I will finally graduate with my AD.

I'm not terribly well-credentialed in terms of past work or anything -- at least, nothing that I can honestly figure out a way to put my hands on -- and therefore have decided I'm going to build myself a Mason experiment, from scratch, with a few specific goals:

  1. Use good coding practices during the entire project -- CVS, test-first, etc.
  2. Use good design -- clean, straightforward, feature-balanced.
  3. Interesting gewgaws.

You might ask me -- why Mason?

Well, first -- it's installed at PM. Second, it will stifle this incessant voice in my head that keeps hounding me that I bought a book on something, I better damned well use that something.

Third, of does show up every now and then in job specifications... :\

I'm only vaguely worried about job possibilities -- May's a long way off, and I'm going to start as soon as finals are over.

*breathes out deeply*

It's good to be back here.