Wretched New South Wales!

chaoticset on 2002-02-09T18:10:52

So what the hell is this, you ask?

11.1 This License as well as all disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the New South Wales, without regard to or application of choice of law rules or principles.

That is part of the new KaZaA license and, I suspect, a result of NSW's ludicrous stupidity.

I have an idea! Let's just block anybody in NSW from access to anything. I don't mean physically; just cut their access to the net off to as many servers as possible. I see no reason not to indulge their deranged little urges. If I were an ISP, I would see it as protection from idiotic enforcement attempts.

To hell with them if they have no sense of humor or proportion.

As an almost-New South Welshman...

koschei on 2002-02-10T03:21:15

(I live nearish the border.)

What's so special about NSW law that makes it attractive to KaZaa? And/or makes it so unattractive to you?

Re:As an almost-New South Welshman...

chaoticset on 2002-02-10T03:54:07


Re:As an almost-New South Welshman...

koschei on 2002-02-10T04:43:37

And what legal material is actually on KaZaa?

That is, of the stuff that isn't actually evidence of breach of copyright what remains?

As an author (of programs generally) I like to have my copyright respected, even if my licenses tend to say 'give it away! give it to everyone you know!'.

While I think the bill is silly, and that KaZaa using it doesn't really help KaZaa, I also think KaZaa, Morpheus and others are also silly.

It's mostly a case of: if I ever produce something that is likely to end up on KaZaa or a KaZaa-alike service I don't want it on KaZaa or a KaZaa-alike service. I'm capitalist scum and want money damnit =)

That said, I don't actually hold too much interest in it all at the moment =) I was only really vaguely curious.

Re:As an almost-New South Welshman...

chaoticset on 2002-02-10T16:09:09

It was a quick overreaction on my part, now that hindsight has been applied. It just bothers me that there's the faint possibility I could end up in a NSW court someday.

Re:As an almost-New South Welshman...

koschei on 2002-02-10T16:16:24

If I break the majority of licenses around, I'd theoretically be in a US court. It's a long trip =) And our dollar sucks.

Re:As an almost-New South Welshman...

chaoticset on 2002-02-10T17:02:55
