Step One: Drive directly at a smallish snowbank, figuring that you can drive pretty much into it and get back out because of your snow tires.
Step Two: Remember after you've done so that, several years back, you thought the exact same thing and did the exact same thing and it created a thick pillar of snow holding your car tires off the ground.
Step Three: Curse that you own no shovel, did not get your driveway plowed, and that you're going to miss your three-hour-long math class.
Step Four: Weep pitifully.
Actually, I just retreated to the house and managed to scam a shovel from my stepfather later. I have an appointment with my dentist. (I absolutely loathe going to the dentist now; it's like sticking your hand in a fire, just pain and admonishment from those wiser than yourself.)
Hopefully I'll get to fiddle with OO later. I think it's simmered long enough in my head.