Home Work

chaoticset on 2002-02-05T15:26:25

My wretched printer pulled another sick day on me, so I couldn't print my homework out. That's why I've got to go to school early this morning -- I saved four different "print at this stage" snapshots of what I was working on to print once I got to school. Let's hope I wasn't addled last night at 1 in the morning when I did it.

And yes, I had better results doing my homework the day it was assigned or the day after. I'll go right back to that plan. :)

It'll leave me some time to fool with OO stuff.

Have to go to my brother's for a few hours today; he's got some sort of problem with his machine, and since I'm the closest thing to an actual technician he knows, he's decided I should take a gander at it. There's probably nothing I can do, but I'll try anything once or twice.

Plus, he makes really good chili sometimes. ;) Good chili could lead me off a cliff.

I found one of the webcomic artists I admire on AIM and gave him the bare-bones introduction to Chat Protocol.

  • :)
  • ;)
  • :(
  • ;(
  • *G*
  • LMAO
  • ROFL
  • BRB
  • AFK
He says I type fast. I had never thought about it -- I clock around 80 WPM, not that speedy but faster than hunt'n'peck. I won't fill this space with needless fanboy-ing, I just wanted to point it out. His strip is here, if anybody's curious what I read in my spare time.