Slack Redux

chaoticset on 2005-08-03T12:54:46

I've been trying to deal with a lot of stuff that's PP* as opposed to PNP**, and I've kind of lost track of the journals of those I have friended here. No big; I'll catch up.

As this is intended to be a journal of technical doings on my part, I should probably mention that I'm trying to fix various niggling things about my Slackware installation so that I don't feel the need to boot into WinME any more at all.

In order of importance, with my strong suspicion in parentheses:

  • Sound card (needs a driver)
  • Resolution (needs a driver)
  • DOK/mp3 player -- can't tell if they always show up as consistent devices or if it's not necessarily consistent (need to find out before I edit fstab)
  • Mavica drive (can't mount, need to find out how)
* Physically Proximal.
** Physically Not Proximal.