Ow, Slackware

chaoticset on 2005-06-03T04:17:41

Okay. I pulled a McDonald's today.

I purchased coffee at a drive-through and managed to spill it on my lap not even ten minutes later, still blazing hot.

I've been to the E.R., and it looks like things are fine (fortunately, nothing more important than skin was seriously damaged; unfortunately, this means I have no chance of becoming sterile as a result of this). Fine in the sense that I brought home a shopping bag of gauze, three prescriptions, and burn cream, but that's a lot better than, say, having my face burned, or chest, or hands, or feet, or whatever else.

So, uh, I might not be sitting down by tomorrow. I was informed that I'd probably be sore as hell within ten hours, and that would be about tomorrow morning. (Not that I post in here so regularly that anybody would notice if I didn't post for a few days, but I figured I'd get it out of the way.)

I'm a little proud to report that I finally took the plunge this morning and wiped my broken Mandrake installation, replacing it with Slack. Things are good. I'm still working some kinks out -- soundwise, for example -- but that's fine. The times that I remember most fondly about my first computers were the times I spent farting around at the command prompt. It's nostalgia, all over again! :D

Getting a migraine. Need to sleep anyway. Exhausted. Going.


Aristotle on 2005-06-04T18:08:51

Did you know that there’s much more to the “McDonald’s lawsuit” than common folklore has it? It’s tragically comical to consider the perversion of the case’s meaning over time.


chaoticset on 2005-06-04T20:58:54

I had read about it before and understood that it was not trivial litigation; I mentioned my blunder this way only because it was immediately obvious what I meant with a minimum of context.

Plus, I didn't wish to accidentally impugn the reputation of the fine establishment that served me that fateful beverage. :)


Aristotle on 2005-06-04T21:50:33


Just saying – because a lot of people don’t know. Including me, until quite recently.


chaoticset on 2005-06-05T01:27:56

It is a fascinating thing, the application of blame. Law is interesting.

Of course, I'm reminded of what is said to be an ancient Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times."