Hope Springs Eternal, Inc.

chaoticset on 2002-01-24T16:41:35

I was flipping through an overdue library book and noticed a list of incorrect (but very interesting) misspellings of 'isosceles'. One of the more interesting ones was 'nysosselees', because of the n, and then it occurred to me.

"An isosceles triangle" could be misunderstood as "A nysosselees triangle."

The fluidity of language.

Anyway, I didn't come here to display my love of language. (Well, not English, anyway.)

Got a cup of coffee; have homework to do (in Excel -- I still laugh sometimes that I do homework in Excel.) and a class to attend at 4. Finally, the hardware class!

Need more coffee.

SOTF went on a cleaning spree yesterday and dragged me along for part of it; during, I related some of the tale of ISBNs and CueCat that I read in hfb's journal. I should have realized I was digging myself a grave.

"We have a CueCat!" she said, brightly, about halfway through. I don't think she'll remember anything about the discussion (although she gets things when I explain them, she tends to forget them just as easily), but if she does, looks like I'll be begging code. ;)

Speaking of which, I've noticed I have a fairly large mass of books. Not a real "library" mass, really, but enough for the rolling double-sided five-tier cart-thing to be overflowing with 'em. Lots of that is second-hand sci-fi, though. :)

The good news is that this homework is the *only* homework, if memory serves. Good thing, because I want to get some work done this weekend on the GUICS.