...that is, I need to code more robustly. All too often I find that what appeared to be lego-style construction was really a house of tiny cards, and placing one solid brick in one spot collapses several others.
Well, doesn't matter. I installed the door-return spring, and it doesn't quite work. (Well, to be fair, I couldn't quite install it properly due to metal door frames, but I did what I could. I may give it another shot later.)
Spoke with the gentleman concerning the Sourceforge game; he said he'd be happy to entertain the notion of my help, but they're doing it in PHP. At this point, I wouldn't care if it was being done in Swedish as long as there's a manual.
I just downloaded two versions of said manual; one that's a huge long HTML file (for starting to wade into it, so I don't have to find what I need in another file) and one that's broken into lots of small files (for later, when it's irritating to search through a whole long file for one thing).
Tomorrow is my first web class. I'm hoping the instructor (whom I've never even seen) is both competent and not a language racist. ("Perl?! HA! You call that a language?!")
The 220 instructor is the school's resident network guru; he comes from an electrical engineering background and focuses mostly on hardware. Good deal, because I'm short on hardware familiarity. I want to be able to field strip a Pentium by the end of the semester. ;)
Oh, and the skin I rubbed raw around my eye has finally flaked off. Thank Chao; I thought the itching would drive me sane.
Just had a quick talk with Kyle (project head, and the name of the project is Spehereal) and I get the feeling I need to go find out what CVS is. (Don't they sell makeup and Tylenol?)