
chaoticset on 2002-01-19T02:37:56

Okay, that's officially it. I am calling the doctor's office tomorrow, crying into the phone, and banging on the door. This irritates the fuck out of me, and not many things achieve that.

It doesn't help that I can't see very well, but have several fairly important things to note.

First, I got all the functionality back in the GUICS script. (Lucky me.) Then I backed the code the hell up, because I managed to delete important things I couldn't see that I'd highlighted several times earlier. I'm fairly close to getting the cart-removal thing working. Then it's security (a session id consisting of random numbers, ip address, date and time, a prevention mechanism for accessing things after they're an hour old, a cleanup mechanism to return old cart-stuff to the shelves...) and testing time.

Second, I spoke with someone on Sourceforge about joining them in a project. Last time I did this I had to bow out for personal problems, and I'm still kicking myself over it, because the project looked so cool.

Third, I'm going shopping as soon as I get offlin and get a shower. I'm buying groceries and bandage-style eyepatches, so my eye won't keep drying up. I can't wait to cook without having to rub at my eye every forty seconds.

This thing is so raw and so awful that I keep having images of cutting it out flash to mind. That bothers me.