I spoke with someone I went to HS with last night. Oddly, he was doing laundry at the same laundromat I frequent.
He had stayed in touch with a few people from the class and had heard about some of the rest of them, so I ended up finding out roughly how some of the rest of my classmates did.
I have to say I feel a little bit better about how things have turned out for me -- I didn't hit a moose and get killed, I didn't commit suicide, and I didn't get scared of the big bad world and run back to my hometown to hide.
All that aside, I still come back to a central fact -- I shouldn't feel good because I'm doing better than these people. My opinion of most of them was pretty low, so if I'm using them as a barometer of my success, all I'd really have to do is stay alive another ten years and not become addicted to something in the process.