[Tue Jan 08 12:38:27 2002] [error] [client] Argument "Abeyance" isn't numeric in numeric lt () at c:\APACHE~1\APACHE\CGI-BIN\GUICS.PL line 182.
Ripped from the error logs. *eye roll*
I wrote a huge, thoughtful post for my wretched blog and the web promptly ate it the moment I hit 'post and publish'. The echoes resound through my head still: "There MUST be a better way..."
Well, whatever I did (and all I did was change some of the test names!), it's made a bunch of problems. I think something got shifted somewhere.
The problem is with
sub rounded {because the line error it gives is at line 182, the first if statement.
if (($_) && ($_ < 1)) { return 1; }
if (($_) && ($_ < int $_) && (".5" <= ($_ - int $_))) {
return int ($_ + 1);
} else { return int $_; } }
My only thought is that I've written the sub wrong here. "Isn't $_ supposed to be $_[0]?"
That said, I'm going to make the change and see if it works. If it doesn't, I'll have no choice but to make a pot of coffee and drink most of it.