$hair--; $access--; $photos++;

chaoticset on 2004-06-21T16:35:52

Several years ago I managed to find a haircut I liked -- the all-over quarter-inch of hair. Reabena requested that I grow my hair out some more, but with all the problems I've had trying to make it look neat I've given up. Buzz, buzz, buzz.

My login still isn't working again for the second time, so I have to assume that it's a problem that isn't going to get fixed all on its own. Email sent, time will bear me out.

Last night my friend Noel held a vigil for (I believe this is how it's phrased) "male victims of domestic abuse". I was at said vigil, but before I lit a candle I got some photos per her request. (My camera's not great, but it definately doesn't suck.) Should a magical wave of motivation somehow overtake me, I may even put them in some form of gallery, but don't bet money on it.