Now that there's less going on in terms of trying to clean/fix/replace/etc. around the house, I need to get to my Need To list:
- Finish the prototypes for the CSS and code behind the site I want to build.
- Install Slackware on my 486. (Turns out the hard drive I got from my campus admin crapped out finally, so I'm begging one off the admin at my new job, and I should have it shortly because the admin at my new job is just one of the most wonderful guys in the whole world! Hi, Dave! :D )
- Work through examples from Security Warrior
- Work through examples from the game programming book on Safari
- Make some decisions about what books to swap onto my bookshelf
- Back up crucial stuff (read: important saved games) from my HP's HD and wipe it
- Find out what, if any, steps I can take to make my old 486 manage to have a USB port
I either have to kill it or make it fly right -- the hard drive is having numerous failures under very normal circumstances, and in the immortal words of Carl: "This? This thing you're doing right there? It's pissin' me off."
This should all be a fun little journey...