Every time I start to think I sort of know what I'm doing in this language, I keep getting painful reminders that I know far less than necessary to be proficient.
Case in point: I have JUST realized that I can create hashes in hashes and such. I had read about them some time ago and my mind found it too arcane to work with at the time. Now, I'd like to slap myself, it looks so simple.
Anyway, because I am unfamiliar with it, I'm going slow. First, just try to get the basic commands working (add name, delete name, quit) and see if I can put a list of people whom I know the names of in as keys. I'll throw initial Friendship Ratings in as values for now; but when the structures are built properly, they'll be in a very different place.
Oh, and *displaying the current list*! That too. I forgot all the stuff I painstakingly read about how to use formats, so I'll go brush up on that and whip something together.
Then it's time to see where I forgot a semicolon this time. ;)
Quick Addendum: Oh, and happy NYE. I plan on getting fairly drunk and watching almost the entirety of _Twilight Zone_ on Sci-Fi. Rod Serling was a genius...I could gush for hours about RS. The stuff he wrote then, 90% was cutting-edge, and even now, the 25% of it that's barely edgy by today's standards is still great to watch. The other 65% still rank as classics in their own right.The 10%, of course, is for the crap he wrote. (Hey, most people only *wish* they screwed things up 1 out of 10 times, and what quality was hit the other 90%!)