Okay, that's probably not good: Each entry shows up as a huge single table datum, and, worse, the page took about ten minutes to load processing a file with maybe two hundred lines in it. It *never* took that long before. I did sumpin' wrong here.
I think this
print Tr(td(center(is wrong, but I don't know precisely why. I'm thinking I've got to specify that it's list context, but I'm fuzzy on how to specify that. :\
checkbox("want $_", "", "$_", ''),
textfield("quantity $_", "1", 3, 3,) ))); } }
Still worse, looking it over, it's fairly obvious that the script broke after a while. The page didn't finish, for one, and for two, it ignored the search term.
More rooting is needed...time well spent in the _Bookshelf_ can solve any problem.