Dee Bee Em

chaoticset on 2001-12-19T20:24:04

Been rooting through the script, trying to figure out why no cards show up for any search terms.

So far, my file access works, my hash-build works, etc., but somehow the hash is wiped when it gets rebuilt later.

I know now why I was so *ascairt* of dbmopen...! When I first read it in _Learning_, all the nouns in the sentence describing what it did were completely unfamiliar in the context to me. Having read it a second time, I am just amazed that I missed it.

Anyway, the upshot of all this is that I may well attempt to use the dbm functions to handle getting the data to the file. It looks like this would save me a LOT of hassle.

Whiteboard retrieved, copy printed. Time to find out where the boat is leaking.