My work has recently grown an actual IT department (previously there were a couple of programmers attached to the NOC, but nothing "official".)
Official things have official budgets, and my hope -- nay, my dream -- is that said official budget is going to include hiring another programmer or two this year.
Casey's resolution is one that probably should be mine as well -- JFDI. Very much so.
This is something that is thrown into sharp contrast considering what happened recently to koschei. I hadn't talked to him much, but had talked to him, and have looked at some of his CPAN modules. He was also 24, just like me.
It's very, very strange. I know it's inappropriate to internalize something like this, and think about how it affects oneself as opposed to, say, the community at large, or even the people he knew personally and locally -- but I don't deny the odd sensation that I've lost something, a resource that I never tapped.
He will be missed, even by those who didn't know him very well.