Predictable Behavior

chaoticset on 2001-12-16T17:43:06

Sure enough, just after the last journal entry I surfed my webcomics. :\ At least I got my daily dose of funny.

I'm halfway through the code. I don't know how to feel about this stuff; I can see it's awful, but in many places I can't see how to improve it (or, worse, I tried to improve it once and botched it terribly). Then there'll be these little places where my code looks all perly (I think) and nice.

After I get everything typed and working, I am going to make myself put it up for code review at monks.

Before I forge ahead, however, it has just occurred to me that I haven't eaten today, so I'll rectify the situation with a grilled ham and cheese sandwich, and more coffee on top of that.

Also, I'm going to locate some more uplifting music. I have three sad little songs on Winamp and I need some kick-ass music, something to get the blood flowing. I feel like I'm stuck in a Kafka story or something. :\