Ah, let's see...well, we got another error. Check the Apache logs:
[Tue Jan 06 10:55:23 2004] [error] [client] couldn't spawn child process: c:/apache group/apache/cgi-bin/midpt.cgi...oh, right. My hashbang was #!\usr\bin\perl instead of #!C:/perl/bin/perl.exe, so Apache couldn't find it. Duh.
Fixed. Next, let's see...
[Tue Jan 06 10:59:18 2004] [error] [client] malformed header from script. Bad header=1..3: c:/apache group/apache/cgi-bin/midpt.cgiWhat in the world...?
Well, let's look. Okay, the header is 1..3? But when I ran it, all the tests passed--
Good lord, I am not that bright sometimes. Jesus.
All right, let's go figure out how to use Test::More with CGI. I vaguely remember seeing something along those lines somewhere. (I'm already using CGI::Carp, so I suppose I could just handwrite tests, but I like using Test::More now.)