Well, well, well. Perhaps this is related to the Illuminatus trilogy concept of neophiles/neophobes?
I realize it's shown through everything I do these days (from hissy fits to indigestion), but I would like to state for the record that not having a computer at my home really, really sucks.
Okay. No more whine, no more cheese.
Alzheimers is largely due to the loss of acetylecholine in the substantia nigra of the brain...or so we think at the moment. Don't read patent fiction.
Re:it might be if they were correct.
chaoticset on 2001-12-14T22:13:11
But where will I find my entertainment, if not patent fiction? _Ringworld_ was excellent.;) As to medical knowledge...I have a very light understanding of medicine. I read just about everything I can get to. *shrug* I believe almost nothing I see.