I Am Become Blah

chaoticset on 2003-09-09T14:28:46

Per the title, not a lot going down, but still, a few things I should keep track of mentally as well as publicly:

  1. Meeting a brother Monk for the first time later this week (hi, Limbic~Region!)
  2. Coding a JS cellular automaton toy
  3. Watching the job market improve (measured in an admittedly not-so-accurate way, namely just by watching the volume changes on jobs.perl.org)
  4. Wondering if I'll ever truly get the hang of loss (cat and roommate, both in the same month)
Like I said, not a whole lot going on -- just enough to fill my schedule and reduce the amount of time I've been Perling to nil.

I worry that I'm going to forget what I learned, that not coding for a week or two will reduce me to newbie status somehow. I know it's not completely founded, but I worry it sometimes anyway.