Temporary Insanity

chaoticset on 2003-08-31T17:56:33

I have actually spent a significant amount of time not coding.

In order to make up for this, I'm actually attempting something I've always wanted to try -- test-driven development, as I understand it. (Write the test, then make it pass, then make it good, repeat until finished. Right? Correct me soon if I'm wrong here.)

I've got the beginning of something new put together, and I'll begin working on it shortly, possibly even later today, and keeping copious notes here to keep my journaling muscles flexed and ready (as well as to remind myself about any bonehead mistakes I shouldn't repeat).

Test-Driven Development

heusserm on 2003-09-03T14:36:24

Assuming you write tests in perl (.t files),
TDD is really really really easy.

I've got a few details about Test-First in Perl for download on my web site:


I look forward to hearing how it goes!