Rest Or Else!

chaoticset on 2003-08-08T14:46:25

I have been commanded to stay home by my well-meaning SO, and I'm certainly not going to argue with her.

I've finished my half-gallon of orange juice, I'm getting as much rest as possible (I mean, cursing at Nethack -- it's only using a keyboard, it's not like I'm thinking or using an XBox controller or something), and I've got a pint of Karamel Sutra in the fridge, a getting-sick present. The day promises to be lazy and uneventful.

Painfully so. I can't seem to shut off that voice in my head that keeps saying I should be doing something, for the sake of all that is Humanity. I'll probably shut it up by reading my C++ book. :\

I should be working out the design for Owl And Dash (tentative name (good thing, too, 'cos it sucks)), which is the news site I want to build. (No, this wouldn't be a real news site, just work to demonstrate that I can actually build a dynamic site.)

So I'm going to stop this constant Depeche Mode morning and get myself some nice coffee and attempt to work out the guts of what I'm doing with OAD.

(I was thinking perhaps an anagram of something else -- how about Waste, Blade, And Torso?)

Eh. Never was good with names. My final project in my Perl class was the forerunner of this thing, and it was called Newser. :(