The Client Is Still Alive!

chaoticset on 2001-11-25T20:01:09

Shockingly. I suspect he didn't want to talk to me because the business end of things went south a ways; however, I understand that this is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It's a "gee, I'd like to have an example of my work somewhere" scheme, along with the faint possibility of regular work next year, so I'm fine with it.

Hell, I might become a partner if the business guy doesn't come back. I know a little about business. (Damn little, but life is short.)

The good news: He still wants it, he's still enthusiastic, and he seems set on me for it.

The bad news: Loans probably won't be happening this year. (This literal year. He's going to start checking into more of this after the Christmas season's over.)

All that means is that I have more time to fix this friggin' code. He wants to have a server for testing by (mid|late)-January, and I'm all for that. I could finally point my father at the thing and say, "Here, look. I did this."

(I know, it's not something I should be proud of yet, considering the code's state. He's easily impressed, though. ;) )

I came back to the code this morning to find that my work with the cartview isn't done; it's not updating the cart hash properly. (In fact, it's doing something downright weird; it appears to be adding strings in some bizarre fashion. I suspect highly that the incoming data may be the problem, so I have to go check all my split() uses and see what I buggered up.)

Is 'buggered up' appropriate use? I'm new to the word 'buggered'.
Well, I found the problem. In a sleep-deprived haze last night, I had written the assign-array-to-hash-value stuff last night, and wrote all the variable assignments in list form:

($thing, $otherthing, $YAthing) = ($hash{$key});

and some of them were still like that.

The result, of course, was that $thing ended up with the whole friggin' line. Silly me; I should have seen this instantly, because I had A: Changed the variable assignment in other places and B: I complained so bitterly to myself after attempting the assign-array-to-hash-value thing earlier.

Glad I've documented it; now I won't do it ever again. (::insert bitter laughter::)

Okay. Coffee. Code. Go go go!


vek on 2001-11-26T00:16:13

Is 'buggered up' appropriate use...

Ha, ha - must be all us Brit's hanging out on use.perl rubbing off on you eh?

- Yes, FWIW that's appropriate usage (grin).