This is a Good Sign

chaoticset on 2001-11-25T10:34:49

(I mentioned the Bad Omen a few nights ago, correct? I'm not sure and I'm too damn lazy to check before I finish this journal entry. I'm so frigging tired bodily...when I go to bed I have to keep my mind occupied, usually with MST3K, or else I get up after five minutes and do something else.)

It's pretty. You go to the search page; there's a little search box and an explanation. Type a letter or two in, and all the cards starting with those letters show up in a table. It stays the same proportioned width no matter what size your browser is (which took a little doing on my part, as unfamiliar as I am with web design). A check box underneath asks if you'd like to see your cart; if you would, check it, hit the button, and your cart appears, complete with subtotals and multiplied prices, shipping and handling (based on how many cards you ordered, not the cost, because 1 card can cost upwards of 200 dollars US) and final total, along with a checkbox to Finalize Order.

If you add something and your cart box is checked, it shows up immediately, with prices and everything already recalculated. It's pretty clean-looking. The code underneath would frighten most of the folks with journals here, I suspect. It's not what you'd call 'tight'.


It. Is. Mine.

Tomorrow, the one-shot form that builds essentially the cartview structure I already built, creates slots for your credit card info (or paypal), confirms them, and creates a print-friendly version while it logs it into our invoice database.

That, or prep for school. Maybe even both! Wow.

I can rest well tonight. I beat the cart handler; the cart handler lost to me. :)