
chaoticset on 2003-06-23T02:21:52

Not sure why. Angry at everything, it seemed, almost for the whole day. Could not bring myself to act civilly most of the time. Felt like punching everything. Usually, when my gaze settled upon an object or person today, my internal dialogue promptly went, "Huh, a *whatever*. Fuck that *whatever*. Fuck ALL *whatever*s. FUCKERS!"

It's very disconcerting, as well, to discover that my teeth are clenched and I cannot speak civilly to people. I hear my tone of voice and start to think that I sound like an asshole, or, at the very least, upset about something.

I really don't know why this is happening, but anybody with the remotest insight or recommendation, please, provide it.


jdavidboyd on 2003-06-23T14:01:38

Well, I used to be like that quite often, but I learned to cope by narrowing my perceptions.
By which I mean, no more nightly news or newspapers.
They are filled with nothing but sensationalist crap, and served me no purpose at all...
Try weaning yourself from all the garbage going on around you, it could help.


chaoticset on 2003-06-23T15:14:21

I've never paid any attention to the news. I do my best to avoid it.

I'm talking about little, everyday things, like books at a bookstore or the steering wheel of my car. It's very strange, and I don't remember feeling like this a month ago.


jdavidboyd on 2003-06-23T15:23:26

Hmm, when's the last time you went on a vacation?

I don't think I've ever heard of someone getting angry at the steering wheel of their car. Might be time for some rest, or a change of pace.


chaoticset on 2003-06-23T15:33:37's a little bit broke. :(

Anyway, vacation-wise...I haven't, really. I've been trying to throw everything I've got in terms of spare time at my current coding issues.

Do you think a couple hours of downtime will help?


jdavidboyd on 2003-06-23T16:55:43

Downtime? Positively! You've got to take care of your mental and physical health.
All that happens when you push and push yourself with no rest is burn-out, sooner or later. The older you get, the easier it is to burn-out on a specific task.
I code for long stretches, often, but I always take some time to walk the dogs, play my guitar, relax.
You deserve it, and no one is going to take care of you but yourself.
Also, how good is your coding going to be if you are worn-out, and angry, and tired? Got to get some perspective going!


chaoticset on 2003-06-23T20:21:16

:( It's been pretty bad.

I don't know...I've spent an awful lot of time staring at paper, staring at screens, etc., trying desperately to finish this blob.

I guess I need a little _Halo_. :D


jdavidboyd on 2003-06-24T13:23:57

Well, you know, the worst case extreme, if you don't take care of your health (mental and physical) you could wind up with a little _Halo_.
Anyway, only you know your limitations, but don't push it too far unless you decide that it is really worth it to you.
Stop and smell the roses!
Don't forget, that supressing anger and tension for too long can make you physically ill.
Ah man, I just looked at your resume... Bangor Maine?
You probably just need some fresh air and sunshine.
Come down to Florida on a vacation.


chaoticset on 2003-06-24T18:49:17

I have more fresh air and sunshine than I can handle right now. Summer's a cast iron bitch in Maine, blazing heat and various forms of live flying hypodermic needles.

The best thing about Maine in the summer is the ocean, and the best thing about Maine in the winter is that it's not year round. I don't like this place. :\

Re:Anger ...morphing into... FLORIDA!

jdavidboyd on 2003-06-24T20:30:01

Well, the best thing about Florida is everything.
This is a great place to live.