* chao_coding_mofo snatches a 2L bottle of Mountain Dew and a huge bowl of ramen and HURLS himself at the oncoming blank space in which to type code
chao_coding_mofo> Rrraraauuuugh!
Beerman> Godspeed, young mofo
Warskull> You cannot hope to succeed
Warskull> You must be one with the code
Warskull> It is not your enemy but your ally!
chao_coding_mofo> I am one with the code...
chao_coding_mofo> ...and zero with the code. It is the Binary Way
chao_coding_mofo> The CODE is my ally...
Warskull> Then go grasshopper!
chao_coding_mofo> ...the BLANK SPACE is my enemy!
* chao_coding_mofo takes off
Warskull> Your kung-fu is strong...