Review, Perusal, More Tea

chaoticset on 2003-05-09T05:12:07

Shlocky as it looked, I tried a Rockstar energy drink today, and I think it helped -- it's 1 ish, I don't feel the least bit tired, and I barely had any caffiene today. It's not something I want to drink every day, but as an occasional beverage, it's not bad.

I discovered that a barebones organizery thing has been coded, and so far it's not terrible, it's just, well...barebones. I'm trying to find out whether it fits my relatively low-end needs (probably) or whether I'd need to extend it (difficult, based on the source I've looked at so far). It provides significant ability to extend current dataforms.

Of course, I'm not one to be throwing around code reviews. If you want to see it, it's here and free. The author has a few different items available for download, as well as a few CPAN modules here and there.