Notes To Self

chaoticset on 2001-10-28T23:15:11

First: Fix what you're doing with hashes. You need the stock hash to look like:

{name} => [stock, cost]

And your drops (that is, the stuff the customer wants to drop into their cart) should look like:

{name} => [quantity]

I think. I'm not sure how I'd go about matching the quantity to *only* the stock...yes I am! I know! List matchup!

($stock, $cost) = ($stock{name})

In a smallish loop that handles the match! Goodie goodie.

Next, you've got to go through and fix all the old references to param("box$j"). Then clear out $j. The cleaner it is, the easier it is to understand, and the better it will be. (And the easier it will be to maintain, too.) what?

Well, by the time I finish that stuff, I'll know exactly what I need to fix next.