Not that the net has missed the contribution, but I have essentially left off logging entries here. Certainly, this has to do with my rather extreme personal business.
On the up side, though -- I've started coding again, and it feels very, very good to come home. :) I'm building a Perl/Tk GUI for writing POD into my Perl code (I'm sure this is notably insane/indefensible/pointless/etc., but all the same, I'm a simple person -- I know how to build a simple GUI, I want something a little visual for writing the POD, etc.) and I'm starting to get the hang of it again.
I've started keeping archives of _The Perl Review_ local and handy so that I can load one up whenever I want to, say, go over the Iterator design in Perl again. It's handy and entertaining, but I wonder when they're going to have zipped volumes available. (Probably as soon as they read this. ;) )
Also, I'm looking into Mutt as a mail client. Heard good things, especially about the crypto support, but I want to research it more before I make the leap. There's a port to Win32 on Sourceforge, and there's always cygwin, but one of the systems at home doesn't have a working cygwin installation (yet another thing I need to fix someday). I want to have this accessible on the tiny LAN at home, completely unified, and stop screwing around with all these different mail thingydingys.
More things have occurred to me recently concerning code, but I've been meaning to start writing regularly in here again anyway.