Virus Bummer

cbrandtbuffalo on 2003-08-20T15:57:26

I'm really bummed about this MS worm stuff, now the email thing is going around.

I work in IT at a large university. We work really hard all summer to deploy new applications, upgrade hardware, and generally make our systems better (using Perl, of course).

Then I'm sitting in a meeting the other day and all we talked about for the entire meeting is how we are going to handle thousands of students coming back to school, plugging in their computer, and immediately getting the virus. We're spending all kinds of time and money on people and tools (getting CDs pressed to fix the problem) instead of making things better.

So all the work we did to make life easier for students doesn't get talked about at all, and we'll all spend the next few weeks dealing with MS issues.

Where do you want to go today? Indeed. MS just makes me want to go home...

Going Home Doesn't Help

chromatic on 2003-08-20T17:10:49

MS just makes me want to go home...

I'm home right now. I've spent almost 30 minutes waiting for enough bounced viruses to download (and I'm filtering out viruses and several types of bounce messages already!) so that I can get my legitimate e-mail. (If I had the bandwidth to ssh to my real mail server, I'd delete them there. Unfortunately, the ever-so-helpful bounce messages are NOT HELPING.)

MS makes me want to go back to bed.