Why the $#!@@! does use.perl.org keep logging me out?

btilly on 2008-10-23T22:38:08

This isn't the journal entry that I intended to write when I first logged into the site last night.

After several experiences of being logged out from use.perl.org very unexpectedly (and often very quickly), my short question is why use.perl.org can't remember for 5 minutes that I am logged in. My follow-up is what alternative site would be recommended that didn't have this problem and had plenty of Perl people.

I hope it remembers that I am logged in for long enough that I can post this.


Ovid on 2008-10-24T11:20:38

use.perl is a toy. It's a much-loved toy which has been around for a long time, but as a test bed for new Slashdot features (does anyone still read that site?), it's quite unsuitable in the "central Perl blogging location" role that the Perl community has thrust upon it. I think we should simply be expecting that it's going to break, it's going to have bugs and if we don't like the JavaScript BS that it's filled with, too bad. Of course, I don't think Pudge has tried to push use.perl for anything other than what it is and it's our own fault for having different expectations. use.perl is, well, not useful.