Never believe what you see in the news

btilly on 2005-03-16T07:58:14

It seems that every time anything that I know about gets near a reporter, I have cause to wince. Witness that I appear to have moved to Michigan.

Of course slashdot is worse yet, they claim that the University of Minnesota is now Southwest Missouri State University. Um, not quite.

Seriously, friendly complaining aside, the publicity is unexpected and great to see. But brief exposures like this make me wonder at how little I should trust the news that I normally see. Even when the government doesn't deliberately manipulate it.


Ovid on 2005-03-16T17:42:16

Robert Heinlein once commented that in all of the newsworthy events he attended, not once did he see the news coverage report it accurately. Now, with the government spewing out even more propaganda than they have in the past, maybe it's time we just bow our little heads and pretend that Big Brother isn't such a bad thing after all.

Do you have the RFID biometric chip in your passport yet?

I would tell you but...

btilly on 2005-03-17T03:17:14

if I told that stupid joke again, you would have to kill me!