The conservative case against George Bush

btilly on 2004-10-29T02:22:46

An excellent article about why true conservatives should vote against George Bush.

Along those lines, I believe that the following conflict of interest involving James Baker subverts our attempt at nation-building, and puts our troops at further risk in Iraq. This is on top of the debacle at Al-Qaqaa. Of course there are some odd things about this story, and there are various questions that need to be addressed by the media and those involved. But that doesn't change the fact that the securing of Iraq was badly screwed up.

On Nov 2, about half of the nation will place votes for John Kerry. Many won't like him, they'll just think that Bush is worse. In fact some will absolutely hate Kerry. So even if you dislike or hate Kerry, you'll be in good company if you evaluate our pathetic options carefully and decide to vote against Bush.

Burnt Out

Ovid on 2004-10-29T13:59:07

I researched the candidates, I've read through our local ballot-measures, I voted. Now I'm burnt out. This election is disgusting me. Few people give a damn what the truth is. Kerry a Liberal? Riiiiiiight. Tell it Che Guevara. No WMDs? Iraq wasn't behind 9/11? Osama bin Forgotten? Who cares? Kerry sometimes changes his mind, so we had better vote for Bush!

So many people are incredibly misinformed about so many issues, but they don't want to be informed. The sort of information you present is anethema to them. For them, it's about winning or losing, not right or wrong. Sure, they tell themselves it's about right or wrong, but if they're unwilling to pay attention to what they hell's going on, is there really any point in trying to convince anyone? I've become quite discouraged over this.

Sadly, you're probably right

btilly on 2004-10-29T20:44:45

See the PIPA report. Cognitative dissonance is alive and well. Most Bush supporters want to support Bush and are willing to believe whatever it takes for them to support Bush in good conscience.

However given a close race it isn't necessary to convince most Bush supporters, it is only necessary to convince enough to flip the race. Which is why I find it heartening to see conservatives look at the facts and conclude that they should look beyond Bush's claim to be a conservative and see that he is the worse candidate.


VSarkiss on 2004-10-29T15:14:10

From the few Bush supporters I know, and the ones I've seen or heard on the media, the issues are completely irrelevant. The people who have decided to vote for Bush have not done so based on his foreign policy or domestic policy. The kind of reasons I've heard all run along the lines of:

  • I've always voted Republican, and I always will.
  • He has a good strong handshake and a friendly smile. (Paraphrased from a "NASCAR dad" interview)
  • We're in a war, and we shouldn't change presidents midstream. (Mangled metaphor)
  • He has a good strong Christian faith.
Some are not for Bush so much as against Kerry, but the reasons again are not along the lines of "I disagree with Kerry that ..." but more like "Bush said about Kerry that ..."

Raising issues and news will never change such thinking.