What is the farthest that you've gone for a party?

btilly on 2004-07-02T05:15:54

For me the answer will shortly be, "across the continent". More precisely, from Santa Monica to Philadelphia for a full-day party.

This is for a party with friends that I know through zIWETHEY. I've been going to this party for a few years. Given that some of my friends are driving over 12 hours each way, I figured that I can handle 5 hours on the plane each way.

Part of me still has trouble believing that I'm really doing this though.

Depends on definition of a party

merlyn on 2004-07-02T11:38:16

I went across the country (with no other goal than the destination) for a "party" about eight years ago, but I figured it'd be a good time to meet some important contacts for my business at this "party". But yeah, it was fly all day, party all night, fly back the next day. Whee.

Well, you had an excuse - business

btilly on 2004-07-02T13:45:47

However I have the advantage that my party will last longer. I'll be one of a half-dozen people whose trips come in on Friday for the Saturday party. I leave on Sunday. Doable.

They are kind of business - this is a group that I'd fall back on for help and advice if I ran into problems. And they're all in computing somehow.

Re:Well, you had an excuse - business

merlyn on 2004-07-03T14:07:12

Ahh, but that's the normal excuse I appease my left-brain (and the IRS) with for every action every day of my small-business-owner life. My right brain knows better!

I mean, really, could a cruise for something like Oracle developers or dot-net gurus be seriously considered "business" given my narrow training and consulting focus for my company? Not exactly. But I still call it "business", even though most of the time I'm sipping on umbrella drinks by the Lido pool.

So yes. Left brain said this "party" that I crossed country for for one day was "business". In truth, it was just a party.