I'm in two minds

broquaint on 2002-04-23T19:15:31

I'm currently being simlutaneously frightened and delighted by demerphq's upcoming dumper module Data::BFDump (BF = Breadth First). It does essentially the same thing as Data::Dumper, but does it better. Firstly it can deal with merlyn's frightening Data::Dumper bug and it deals with coderefs properly (i.e it dumps the code *within* the coderef)! If anyone knows of any data structures in perl that are fiendishly difficult to 'dump' please leave a comment.

Now I'm off home to enjoy the marvel that is all-day-breakfast-in-a-can while trying to read (and hopefully understand) Engineering Mathematics (I'm shooting for one out of two ;-).

broquaint out