From irc://, today
(14:18:29) kjetilkWork: wow
(14:18:57) kjetilkWork: $self->cow-orker just demonstrated a real WWII army enigma machine
(14:19:22) kjetilkWork: a real, _working_ enigma machine :-)
(14:39:17) bronto: kjetilkWork: WOW!
(14:39:34) ***bronto wonders how he did got one
(14:41:02) bronto: s/got/get/
(14:49:41) kjetilkWork: apparently, his grandfather found it
(14:49:55) kjetilkWork: he was in the illegal resistance
(14:50:28) kjetilkWork: he first saw the machine at his grandfather's place when he was about 10
(14:50:39) kjetilkWork: but no-one in the family knew what it was
(14:51:06) kjetilkWork: it was not untill a recent bad hollywood movie that he understood it
(14:51:47) kjetilkWork: the thing looked really new, actually...
(14:51:59) kjetilkWork: it was an army field model
(14:52:07) kjetilkWork: but had probably never been out of an office
(14:52:38) kjetilkWork: so, it was probably just that his grandfather had grabbed in the days of may 1945
(14:53:53) bronto: :)
(14:54:06) bronto: may I post this conversation snippet in a blog?
(14:55:01) kjetilkWork: hmmm, I think someone will blog the even soonish, better point to that
(15:00:21) bronto: "will blog the even soonish"????
(15:05:47) kjetilkWork: eh
(15:05:52) kjetilkWork: the event soonish...
(15:05:55) kjetilkWork: :-)
(15:06:17) kjetilkWork: one of my cow-orkers took a few pics