The year in review

brian_d_foy on 2003-01-14T23:00:04

I saw an interesting post on the comp.lang.ruby group this morning: The Year In Scripting Languages Lua/Perl/Python/Ruby/Tcl 2002. (It does not appear to have been cross-posted to comp.lang.perl.misc, which is fine with me).

The Perl Review is called a "quality publication", and Perl Mongers has "succeeded in cemeting [the Perl] community". I had a pretty good year I guess, even though the credit most of the things that make those statements true belongs to other people.

I must have missed that people were putting this together, because a few other things have happened:

  • A group of people have taken over active maintenance and development of the perlfaq. I get to commit the changes, but most of the real work is done by other people.
  • The code for PAUSE is in version control and the admins have started to make things easier to use.
  • O'Reilly & Associates held the first Mac OS X Conference, and a lot of Perl people were there. The rapidity which Perl has embraced Mac OS X has been amazing. Perl has CamelBones (and Ruby has RubyCocoa), but a lot of the big names in Perl use Mac OS X, which is not my impression of the other communities.
  • Dave Cross, in the name of Yet Another Society, took over the role of Perl user group coordinator.