"When Your Best Just Isn't Good Enough"

brian_d_foy on 2003-01-08T03:51:44

From the Department of Why Wasn't I Doing This Before:

Sometimes I create arrays with map. Usually after I do that I like to access elements of the array. Most times I forget which order I put things in the array. Every time until now I forget about code comments.

I put the index of the value under the bit that creates it.

my @bits  = map { $hash->{$_}{value} }
    qw( Domain Path Name Value Expires );
    #     0     1    2     3      4

This is nothing new. When I look at perlfunc for various functions, like localtime, Tom (or Nat?) does the same thing. Simple, effective, and completely beyond my simple capabilities until all of a sudden I suddenly discover it in a fit of convergent evolution.

Sometimes I wonder if my best just isn't good enough.