2008 jobs.perl.org report

brian_d_foy on 2009-03-08T10:10:37

Here are the numbers for the number of job advertisements posted to jobs.perl.org in 2008, by month. I'm not affiliated with jobs.perl.org, and this is only the simplest of analyses. I didn't try to correct for duplicate posts where the same job was re-advertised. I don't attempt to draw any conclusions about the popularity (up or down) of Perl from these numbers. In general, I think that the continual uptrend through 2006 is about more people discovering the service, and the dismal numbers in 2008 mostly reflect the current economic cycle more than anything to do with technology.

Year | Total |   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec
2001 |   280 |     0     2     8    21    40    34    33    29    34    30    35    14
2002 |   413 |    34    33    35    16    45    26    37    46    33    42    31    35
2003 |   560 |    43    36    56    56    21    39    44    64    53    52    52    44
2004 |   949 |    75    58    78    88    74    88    82    87    65    87    85    82
2005 |  1429 |    93   110   120   135   135   125   115   113   106   132   144   101
2006 |  1857 |   164   138   157   151   166   153   140   176   152   172   179   109
2007 |  1966 |   182   156   181   190   177   168   176   165   145   179   148    99
2008 |  1451 |   156   140   152   158   156   158   136   110    85    87    71    42

Also see the threads for the 2006 and 2007 jobs.perl.org reports for past discussions.. Some other resources include:

The sharp drop in 2008 is industry wide

TeeJay on 2009-03-10T09:53:02

at least afaict : http://jobstats.co.uk/ showns a massive drop over 2008 and 2009.