Oslo QA Hackathon, Saturday

brian_d_foy on 2008-04-06T13:02:42

I got up very early on Saturday morning for no particular reason. I sat in the hotel lobby and finished up most of the stuff for testing with multiple perls in Module::Release. H. Merijn Brand was really interested in using it for Text::CSV_XS which he wanted to try against blead and other perls. I uploaded Module::Release 1.21 to PAUSE. If you want to test with additional binaries, just add a bit to your .releaserc configuration file:

perls /usr/local/bin/perl5.6.2:/pro/bin/blead:/pro/bin/maint:/usr/bin/perl

You always get the invoking perl for free, though. If you don't list any additional perls, you'll still test things.

For the afternoon, I worked on my BackPAN indexing project, and am running into the oddities of looking into really, really old distributions and building them on version of Perl where Makemaker is probably different. One of my first tasks from the workshop is to index the dual-life modules. The OS packaging people want to see which versions were in which Perl standard libraries and which other versions are on CPAN.