Going to Oslo, still looking for patrons

brian_d_foy on 2008-03-20T13:36:55

Updated: LogicLAB is sponsoring my hotel bill. They also sponsored my travel to the last Nordic Perl Workshop.

It's about a week before I leave for Oslo for the QA Hackathon. The Perl Foundation is funding my flight to Oslo, but other than that, I'm on my own so far. Anyone want to sponsor the other expenses? My hotel bill is estimated at 5,100 NOK, which is about $1,000. I'll pay for bacon wrapped hot dogs on my own.

There are two major things I want to accomplish, and taking me out of the US and sitting me in a foreign country is the way to do it.

  1. Make Module::Release work with multiple perls at the same time. That is, in the automated release management, make it possible to test the distro with a user-defined list of perls on the local machine. Bonus task 1: have it test on a remote machine and get the output back somehow. The hackathon will help for that as I sit next to the TAP::* people. Bonus task 2: Have Module::Release support a Devel::Cover style report so people can use it
  2. Index all of BackPAN. This is 80% done technology-wise. I have a script that works for my test corpus, and Jon Rockway sent me some changes to work with some special case distros (such as those that use Module::Install). I'll try to get it done across the entire BackPAN during the week that I'm there with the goal of indexing 95% of the modules and distribute the result as a sqlite database from which I can make a special 02packages.details.txt. This is one of the big steps I talk about in Making My Own CPAN, and might be useful for something rjbs is working on. Bonus task: figure out the queries for the dependencies for any distro based on what existed at the time of its release.

If I get all of that done, or need a bit of a break, I have some secondary tasks:

  1. Super Bonus task: Updates to the cpan script based on recent feedback, possibly adding a way to download a distro without installing it, and having options to integrate CPAN Testers, CPANdeps, etc.

  2. Minor task: Summarize what everyone is doing each day and report to use.Perl, etc, and maybe get some interviews for Perlcast. Summarize results for TPF. Make YouTube videos.

Better take your Visa

hfb on 2008-03-20T18:44:40

as you'll need a sack full of dollars just to buy one pint of beer there. :)

I'll be interested to see what you can do with the BackPAN index. Time, density and other graphs have been done....what about a concordance of most used perl idioms and commands? :)