Going in Braga! brian's European Tour update

brian_d_foy on 2008-01-28T20:53:42

I've just purchased my airline tickets for my European tour (see the Google Calendar too). At least, I've bought the main trip. I show up in Frankfurt on April 24, and leave from Lisbon on June 9. Yep, Alberto and José told me that I'm going to the Portuguese Perl Workshop, so I guess I am. I don't have details on that yet, but it's that first week of June. We're thinking about some master classes to help pay my expenses, but if someone in the area needs some work or a seminar, please let me know! Also, I might as well go to Barcelona on the way to Lisbon, so I'll have to figure out something for that, too.

This all started by Big Nerd Ranch getting me to teach a Perl Boot Camp from April 28 to May 2. It would surely help if you can refer anyone you know to them so they have a lot of students and want to do it again! :)

Renée Bäcker has been working on the German portion of the tour and it looks like I'm going to get around to quite a bit of Germany, and owe him some more articles for $foo in exchange for that. That's going to be my time in April, and maybe a little spill over into May. We haven't finalized much, so I don't want to jinx it just yet. If you want me to do something in Germany, talk to Renée.


ambs on 2008-01-28T20:59:02

Sorry do disappoint you. PPW will be in Braga, not in Lisbon. About 300+ Km of distance ;)


brian_d_foy on 2008-01-28T21:13:33

Well, I'm still going to Lisbon, but I'll be in Braga too I guess :)