Here are the top ten most read stories from 2007 on use.Perl:
- XML::Tiny (January 29, drhyde)
- Video and Audio recordings from YAPC::Asia 2007 (April 24, miyagawa)
- Jonathon Rockway throws down the gauntlet on Object::Tiny (September 4, Alias)
- Tired of "Perl is dead" FUD ? (September 14, renodino)
- Perl 6 Design Team Minutes for 07 February 2007 (February 16, chromatic)
- Faces + CPAN == A More Polite Community (September 9, schwern)
- Are we framing"dual-life" modules the wrong way? (September 26, Alias)
- Idea! CPAN Version Advisories (September 17, schwern)
- Gravatars are go! (September 11, schwern)
- Perl 6 Design Minutes for 09 May 2007 (May 14, chromatic)
Although the numbers aren't that important (so I don't include them), they do roughly follow Zipf's law, and they aren't ranked by date—September seemed to be a good time to
write interesting stuff, but also the time that we started posting more stuff to the front page. These are only stories, not journals.