The 2007 White Camel Awards

brian_d_foy on 2007-07-25T16:16:50

Dave Adler presented the 2007 White Camel Awards to:

Allison Randal
Allison is at the center of the Perl community. She's been president of The Perl Foundation, a leader and manager of various parts of the Perl 6 and Parrot efforts, as well a Perl author and editor. Her latest contribution to Perl is version 2 of the Artistic License, under which most open source Perl code, and Perl itself, is licensesd "under the terms of Perl itself".
Tim O'Reilly
You may think of Tim as the guy who published Programming perl and Learning Perl, but he also kick-started the current form of the Perl community by giving it a place to come to together once a year. O'Reilly & Associates started The Perl Conference in 1997. Perl Mongers, the organization that helped start Perl users groups all over the world, started at that first Perl Conference. O'Reilly Media has been incredibly gracious and helpful to the Perl community.
Norbert E. Grüner
Norbert help start the German Perl Workshop in 1999 and now is involved in several of the Perl conferences and workshops that take place in Europe. He's the chair of the YAPC::Europe committee.